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Getting Started!

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Our administration relies on communication between the players and our staff!  Please tell us how we can improve and get connected!

Make sure you're connected on our Discord and Teamspeak!
Join the Discord https://discord.gg/hkKBHgg
and check out our Teamspeak @ ts3server://volitionservers.teamspeak3.com 

Our forums, Discord, and Teamspeak are all linked together so you can show your groups and ranks wherever you go in Volition Servers.  But you need to link your accounts!  In your forum account settings, you can link your Discord and Teamspeak accounts to work in tandem.

We also have a Reddit:

And if you like what we do you can donate here on the forums @ https://volitionservers.com/forums/index.php?/donate/make-donation/
or check out our Patreon @ https://www.patreon.com/volitionservers 


The forums has a built-in rank sync functionality for TeamSpeak and Discord and we have given all of you the ability to receive your tags automatically and immediately. If you would like to take advantage of this feature PLEASE CONTINUE READING...

TeamSpeak Sync:

Locate your TeamSpeak Unique ID

STEP 1: (Top Tool-Bar) Tools>Identities>(Copy) Unique ID

STEP 2: Go to https://volitionservers.com/forums and Login to the forums. 

STEP 3:  Locate and Click on the profile drop-down and open "Account Settings"

STEP 4: Click on the last option labeled "TeamSpeak Settings"

STEP 5: Paste your "Unique ID" from STEP 1 into the box and click "Save"


Discord Sync:

STEP 1: Go to https://volitionservers.com/forums and Login to the forums. 

STEP 2:  Locate and Click on the profile drop-down and open "Account Settings"

STEP 3: Click on the 7th option Labeled "Discord Account"

STEP 4: Click "Link your Discord account" login to Discord and grant authorization.


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