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Hey guys. The names Dezz.

Some of you know me, and for those who don't;  I am currently the Manager of the Half-Life 2:Deathmatch branch of Volition Servers and the owner of DeathRow Gaming Community.

I like to shoot guns, play aswell as code and develop for video games, make&listen to music, and most importantly have a good time.

Feel free to hit me up on steam. https://steamcommunity.com/id/jacobt1999/  Im looking for new friends , assets etc.  Feel free to shoot me ideas for new game servers or any suggestions for source games. 
Follow my instagram https://www.instagram.com/dezz420_/ 

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jacob.touchton.1


I've been running servers since I was 12 years old, which happens to be the age I was when I met Graphix7 in HL2DM. Its a funny story lol ask him to tell you about it.



World Domination is Truely Yours,



-Check out some of my muzic.

havnt released any in a hot minute, but im still writing, freestyling, and just practicing in general; Getting better. Please don't judge an artist by 1  song. Tbh i think most of my releases are shit. Just wait, Soon i'll be dropping some FIRE! Thats a bet. lmBo



Edited by Dez 🩸
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